
Thursday, October 8, 2020

What is the Best Database

If someone asks you "What is the best database", what is your answer. Answers might be different depending on your job role, whether you are a developer or a database administrator or client.

However, there is a ranking done for the database every month and the following is the latest ranking of databases. 

You can look at the rank of all the 359 databases here. According to this ranking, first six databases, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, IBM BD2 are remaining the same compare to the last year.  If you look at the entire list you will find that Azure SQL Server Database is a major improvement. Azure SQL Server Database ranked 17 this year where it was 25th in last year.  

Let us look at the trending of these databases. 

You can see that MySQL and Oracle are running closers whereas PostgreSQL and MongoDB are running a close encounter. 
This does not say one database is better than others. This ranking based on various factors, such as Number of mentions of the system on websites, Frequency of technical discussions about the system, Number of job offers, in which the system is mentioned, Number of profiles in professional networks, in which the system is mentioned, and Relevance in social networks etc. You can look at the complete ranking parameters here.

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