
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

ETL Tools

For any data integration process, Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) is an important and challenging process. Mainly due to the fact that you need to deal with heterogeneous data sources such as RDBMS, NoSQL, Text Files, Email, Images, Chats etc. Specifically, in Datawarehouse, ETLs are used heavily as data warehouses typically has read-optimized data structures which as different from the operational data sources.


Apart from the different types of sources, you need to integrate between non-compatible data sources. Non-Compatibility may arise due to technology as well as due to domain. Due to these complexities, it is obvious that we need special tools for ETL.
Then the question is what are the best ETL tools and what are the features of those ETL tools. 
Here is a list of twenty-two ETL tools that you can find to match your case. 

This article has listed ETLs tools such as SSIS, Panthaho, Informatica, Mattilion etc.  What is the ETL tool that you are using and Why?

If you wish to read few technical articles on SSIS, follow the following link.

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